I would like to see more female characters in the series approached without their attractiveness and romantic potential with Harry being a factor. This applies even to shapeshifting daemonic Denarians who have only shifted their heads to human. I don't like that – I doubly don't like it since a) 99.9999% of all women Harry meets for even a second are attractive and b) we're usually treated to a long description of how attractive they are and how much Harry thinks they're sexy. With the exception of Charity (who was always rather over the top in her dislike of Harry), there has been a romantic potential with every woman he has dealt with for any length of time. Molly had a huge crush on him – and now Luccio and he are possibly dating. Murphy had the whole will they/won't they thing. No, it bothers me because nearly every woman Harry has dealt with on a repeated basis has on some level been a love interest. Luccio is the instigator, is confident and I think they could work. Not because I find it bad in and of itself – I actually quite like it. Character-wise, I could do without the whole Luccio/Harry relationship.