
Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn
Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn

Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn

No one with half a brain would rob the jungle’s most notorious energy cartel. Continue reading “Blog Tour (Book Review): Our Bloody Pearl (These Treacherous Tides #0) – D.N. Bryn” → Trigger warnings: mild gore due to carnivorous sirens and sensations of drowning. This adult fantasy novel featuring an nonbinary disabled protagonist is a voyage of laughter and danger where friendships and love abound and sirens are sure to steal-or eat-your heart. As the tides turn, Perle must decide whether to run from Kian forever, or ride the forming wave into battle, hoping their newfound human companions will fight with them. Soon it becomes clear that Kian will hunt Perle relentlessly, taking down any siren in her path. The compassion he and his rag-tag human family show can’t be sincere… or can it?

Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn

But he’s still a human, and a captor in his own way. This new captain seems different, with his brilliant smile and his promises that Kian will never again be Perle’s master. Though their song is muted and their tail paralyzed, Perle’s hope for escape rekindles as another pirating vessel seizes Kian’s ship. Perle was the first siren captured, and while all since have either been sold or killed, Kian still keeps them prisoner. That is, until the ruthless pirate captain, Kian, creates a device to cancel out their songs. Between their hypnotic voices and the strength of their powerful tails, sirens have little to fear.

Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn

But to the sirens who swim the warm island waters, it’s a home more than worth protecting from the humans and their steam-propelled ships. The ocean is uncontrollable and dangerous. Continue reading “Book Review: Winter’s Dawn (Flos Magicae) – Arden Powell” → All the stories are standalone historical fantasy romances and can be read in any order. It is part of the Flos Magicae series, set in an alternate 1920s universe with magic. Winter’s Dawn is a 24,000-word fantasy novella with a male lead and a nonbinary love interest. Because if Blackwood and its guards don’t kill them both, the hangman’s noose surely will. And Thomas might be Winter’s only chance of escape. But as Blackwood continues to crush his spirit and his magic, Winter might be his only ally. Everything Thomas fears and looks down on. Winter is a radical, a murderer, and a traitor to the crown. As Thomas’ trial drags nearer, their whispered conversations are the only thing keeping him from giving in to boredom and despair.

Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn

His only company is Winter, the mysterious prisoner in the neighbouring cell. Imprisoned in the bleak Blackwood Gaol as he awaits his trial, he is cut off from his magic and his studies: a fate worse than death for the scholar who has devoted his life to academia. Thomas Brighton, a professor of theoretical magic, has been accused of treason.

Once Stolen by D.N. Bryn