
I'm Judging You by Luvvie Ajayi
I'm Judging You by Luvvie Ajayi


I love that she extensively wrote about rape culture, body shaming, skin bleaching, sex tapes and (Un) reality television. She shares her views from the stand of a Nigerian immigrant woman living in America and her dramatic personality is littered allover the book. A salad can taste like the tears of dissapointed ancestors and human beings can definitely be more shortsighted than bats in the daytime. Luvvie is witty and funny and her use of metaphors and words is a breath of fresh air. From the constant misuse of hashtags, fake news, obnoxious social media ettiquett and how not to be a bleeding heart on facebook. I loved that she literally gave a master class on how to use the internet. She is also judging you for uploading the picture of your dead grandma in a casket on facebook and turning your social media into a soap opera. Luvvie wants to know why you should suck so much at friendship and calls you out on “ Baehood gone bad.” I personally enjoyed reading these two chapters because count me in when a buffet of petty is being served. Consider this a manual to help you “ get a bit of common sense and some behavior as you navigate today’s hyperobsessions with pop culture, social-media sharing, and outright navel-gazing.” The tone sets off with a tinge of pettiness and humour but as you delve deeper you stumble upon more serious conversation. The book is divided into four broad sections : life, culture, social media and fame. She is clear that she has done some of the things for which she is asking us to do better. You’d expect that as Luvvie drags us she is seated high up on her white horse sipping on a well brewed chai but far from it. The book explores her personal commentary on race, religion, feminism, sex tapes, obnoxious use of social media and rape culture among others. It is a reminder to do better in a world that has normalised a lot of things that we ought to be ashamed of. “ I’m judging you the do better manual” is a necessary book. She is the side eye sorceress and so expect to be enchanted into doing better. You know that auntie everyone loves to hate because she says out loud the things people only want to gossip about? (yes). She says all the things you want to say but are not brave enough to. Luvvie Ajayi is your favorite auntie wrapped in humour. If you haven’t then at least you’ve seen it in a movie. You have all attended those family meetings with aunties silently side eyeing you for your petty. “Some people will say, “Only God can judge me.” I’m here to say, “Well, until He gives His final judgment, here’s some of mine.” TITLE : I’m Judging you the do better manual

I'm Judging You by Luvvie Ajayi